Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Mack at the hospital

So these are pictures of the hospital experience!! - Hooray for Mack! Thank you so much Darin/Lori/Jaxon for being with us at the hospital and for bringing us delicious food! You guys are the best! Having Mack was truly an amazing experience!! I love it.. (but its not like i had a natural birth that lasted 20 hours!) Altogether I was in labor about 6 and a halfish hours and pushed maybe 4 or 5 times. I'd like to take this moment to thank the line of birthing hips that run throughout my family! ... usually I hate you, but this past week, you have been good to me :)

1 comment:

  1. They didn't bring me any food! Why is it all about Tracy? What about Darin and I? After all we are the venerable Grand Daddys. If anyone should have gotten high fat/sugar food it should have been that manarexic Darin.
